Join us live and in-person | San Clemente, CA | February 28th and 29th 2024


For nonprofit consultants, coaches and service providers who are radically generous and ready to connect to build better businesses together.

This is your chance to be in-person with…

The Most Generous People

A core pillar of this community is radical generosity. The kind of people who openly and willingly will answer your questions, will pass you business, or happily make an introduction for you. Connecting online is great, but meeting up in-person will make things happen in your business 10x faster.

Business Owners Who Actually Get It

You’ve been there, I’ve been there - we’ve all been there.

And by “there” I mean in a room full of business owners who cock their heads to the side, smile and nod.

No more.

100% of the conference attendees are just like you which means 100% of the speakers, sessions, and networking is built with you in mind.

Nonprofit Consultants and Coaches Who Are Ready to Play Big in their Business

When you bring together the most generous business owners who actually understand the ins and outs of your business - you have a rare opportunity to open your mind to the question: What would 10x-ing my business look like?

This event is called Make It Happen for a reason.

In 2-days, you’ll walk away with the confidence, network and support to take your business to the next level.

Put a finger down if you’ve felt like giving up in your business…


Tired of that feast or famine mode in your biz? What if you had the tools to make more income consistently without feeling like you were getting whiplash from trying so many different things? What if you could network with other folks who also serve nonprofit clients?

You have all the nonprofit knowledge, but need that CEO expertise to build a booming business.

Let us help you with that part.

We’re talking about
becoming wildly in demand.

Because when you have the playbook of how to attract your ideal clients + break through the common barriers (hello, Board of Director approvals 🙄) – you’ll be able to earn more, help more and stay in your zone of genius.

It’s about setting yourself up with the systems to attract customers who understand you are worth it, effective ways to nurture them, converting them into clients and then rocking their world when it comes to getting them results.

You know what that equals?

Repeat customers (and referrals!)

I’m Jess Campbell and I’ve been there too

After years of running my small shop business all on my own - or “out in the boons” - I was on the edge of burnout.

I had thrown what felt like TONS of spaghetti on the wall and had little to show for it.

That is until I found my people.

In the last two years I have more than doubled my 6-figure revenue, have a 3-4 month waitlist and now find myself mapping out a path to $1M.

100% of that success can be credited back to the communities and networks I’ve poured into.

And that’s what the Live Make It Happen Conference is really about.

Helping you surround yourself with other like-minded nonprofit consultants and coaches who are ready to take their business to the next level by leaning into innovation and collaboration.

Are businesses are just different and therefore our professional development needs to be different too.

Meet Our Keynote Speakers



Conversion Copywriter & Messaging Strategist for Humanity-first Brands


Helping Businesses Get to the Next Level Using Canva

More speakers to be announced soon!


WHEN: February 28th & 29th, 2024

Your ticket provides access to 2 full days of conference sessions and networking opportunities with attendees and sponsors.

For in-person tickets, there will be a Welcome Kickoff Happy Hour on Tuesday, February 27th to meet and mingle before the event begins.

WHERE: San Clemente, CA

This event will take place live in one of Southern California’s favorite beach towns San Clemente.

To mark our first in-person conference - we wanted to make the venue especially special which is why we are excited to announce we will be gathering at the historic Ole Hanson Beach Club.

*Virtual tickets will be available starting November 1st.

Tuesday, February 27th

4:00pm PST

Happy Hour Kickoff

Let’s get this party started!

All in-person ticket buyers are welcome to attend a happy hour event on the beach with heavy apps, drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) and great conversation to boot. Pending the weather there might even be a bon fire and s’mores too!

Wednesday, February 28th

10:00am PST-4pm PDT

Day 1

Day 1 will be filled with keynote sessions from Jess and our esteamed speakers.

Lunch and networking opportunities will be provided.

Thursday, February 29th

10:00am PST-4pm PST

Day 2

Day 2 will be filled with panel discussions, collaborative workshops to help you put your plan into place.

Lunch and networking opportunities will be provided.


(only 10 1 available)

⭐ Everything from the GA ticket plus…

⭐ Reserved front row seating

⭐ 90 Days of replay access to all of the live sessions

⭐ A pre-conference virtual meetup

⭐ A post conference wrap up (launch plan and swipe files included)

⭐ A private dinner with speakers, host

⭐ A pre-conference group photo shoot with a professioal photographer


(only 50 19 available)

⭐ In-person ticket to our 2-day live Make It Happen Conference

⭐ 7 Days of replay access to all of the live sessions

⭐ Networking with both in-person and virtual attendees

⭐ Content Creation Photo Opp

⭐ Themed Swag Bag

⭐ Lunch included for 2 day event


  • Make It Happen is happening live and online Wednesday, February 28th through Thursday, February 29th 2024. There will be a Kickoff Happy Hour event for in-person ticket holders on Tuesday, February 27th, 2024

  • Our magical venue is The Ole Hanson Beach Club in San Clemente, CA

  • The agenda is still currently in the shop, but know that you will have two full days of keynote sessions from our speakers plus plenty of networking opportunities.

  • Unfortunately, no.

    If you find yourself unable to attend the live event you are welcome to transfer your ticket to someone else. Please email: to get that going.

  • We want all of our guests to be super comfortable at this event.

    If you have any special needs related to seating or have food restrictions (trust me, we get it) please email us at: